1 Ryan Bradley, Broadmoor SC 231.90
2 Richard Dornbush, All Year FSC 225.56
3 Ross Miner, SC of Boston 224.35 4 Jeremy Abbott, Detroit SC 224.16
5 Adam Rippon, SC of New York 220.04
6 Armin Mahbanoozadeh, Washington FSC 215.05
7 Brandon Mroz, Broadmoor SC 213.49
8 Keegan Messing, Alaska Assoc of Figure Skaters 213.29
9 Jason Brown, Skokie Valley SC 208.76
10 Douglas Razzano, Coyotes SC of Arizona 206.76
2011 World Team: Ryan Bradley, Richard Dornbush, Ross Minner
2011 Four Continents Championships Team: Jeremy Abbott, Adam Rippon, Armin Mahbanoozadeh
1 Alissa Czisny, Detroit SC 191.24
2 Rachael Flatt, Broadmoor SC 183.38
3 Mirai Nagasu, Pasadena FSC 177.26 4 Agnes Zawadzki, Broadmoor SC 173.84
5 Christina Gao, Northern Kentucky SC 167.20
6 Ashley Wagner, SC of Wilmington 165.36
7 Vanessa Lam, All Year FSC 162.91
8 Yasmin Siraj, SC of Boston 152.47
9 Joelle Forte, SC of New York 149.28
10 Melissa Bulanhagui, University of Delaware FSC 144.53
2011 World Team: Alissa Czisny, Rachael Flatt
2011 Four Continents Championships Team: Alissa Czisny, Rachael Flatt, Mirai Nagasu
1 Caitlin Yankowskas, Broadmoor SC
John Coughlin, Kansas City FSC 188.45
2 Amanda Evora, Southwest Florida FSCMark Ladwig, Red River Valley FSC 185.22
3 Caydee Denney, Panthers FSC
Jeremy Barrett, Panthers FSC 175.49 4 Mary Beth Marley, DuPage FSC
Rockne Brubaker, All Year FSC 163.55
5 Marissa Castelli, SC of Boston
Simon Shnapir, Colonial FSC 151.92
6 Tiffany Vise, Broadmoor SC
Don Baldwin, Los Angeles FSC 151.26
7 Lindsay Davis, All Year FSC
Themistocles Leftheris, Los Angeles FSC 148.25
8 Gretchen Donlan, SC of Boston
Andrew Speroff, Broadmoor SC 145.25
9 Chloe Katz, SC of New York
Joseph Lynch, SC of New York 140.00
10 Becky Bereswill, Detroit SC
Trevor Young, Detroit SC 137.71
2011 World Team: Caitlin Yankowskas & John Coughlin, Amanda Evora & Mark Ladwig
2011 Four Continents Championships Team: Caitlin Yankowskas & John Coughlin, Amanda Evora & Mark Ladwig, Caydee Denney & Jeremy Barrett
Ice Dance
1 Meryl Davis, Arctic FSC
Charlie White, Detroit SC 185.48
2 Maia Shibutani, SC of New York
Alex Shibutani, Arctic FSC 173.18
3 Madison Chock, All Year FSC
Greg Zuerlein, Arctic FSC 154.62 4 Madison Hubbell, Detroit SC
Keiffer Hubbell, Detroit SC 141.70
5 Lynn Kriengkrairut, All Year FSC
Logan Giulietti-Schmitt, Ann Arbor FSC 138.42
6 Isabella Cannuscio, University of Delaware FSC
Ian Lorello, University of Delaware FSC 136.55
7 Shannon Wingle, Arctic FSC
Timothy McKernan, Broadmoor SC 130.20
8 Rachel Tibbetts, Broadmoor SC
Collin Brubaker, All Year FSC 118.25
9 Meredith Zuber, University of Delaware FSC
Kyle Herring, University of Delaware FSC 118.06
10 Ginna Hoptman, IceWorks SC
Pavel Filchenkov, IceWorks SC 117.53
2011 World Team: Meryl Davis & Charlie White, Maia Shibutani & Alex Shibutani, Madison Chock & Greg Zuerlein
2011 Four Continents Championships Team: Meryl Davis & Charlie White, Maia Shibutani & Alex Shibutani , Madison Chock & Greg Zuerlein