Thursday, April 30, 2009

Alexei Yagudin’s fiancée is pregnant with twins!

As it became known, Russian figure skater Alexei Yagudin and his fiancée, pairs figure skater Tatiana Totmianina, are expecting twins. The babies are due in November.

Alexei Yagudin, 29, and Tatiana, 27, have been known each other since their childhood. After late heartaches the skaters realised they had much in common and started to date. Their romace has been lasted for a year, informs.

Some time ago Alexei proposed to his sweetheart. “It was very romantic”, an eyewitness said. He added the partners try not to show off, they are rather domestic people and feel comfortable with each other.

Alexei supported Tatiana in time of private tragedy – her mother died in January after thе accident. Believing in skater’s love the girl finds in Alexei a person to be together and give birth to a child with.

1 comment:

tonyabennson said...

There has not yet been any word about this from anywhere except one tabloid thats not known for being trustworthy.It's not really news unless it can be proved or someone comes foward and admits or denys it.Until this happens, it's just more yellow news from a tabloid. I have learned to be carefully about believing everything these tabloids print through the years as they have printed many rumors about this skater's romantic life that have been false. That's just my opinion. Don't call it news until it's been confirmed by someone concerned in the matter.